Thursday, September 29, 2011

SMUT Weekend 10.1-10.2.2011

Just a heads up that Saturday's run will be out at the Cottonwood trails meeting at 7 am. We will meet at the paved parking lot on the right side of Hwy 160. 

Web address for Google Map:,-115.431644&ll=36.006132,-115.430861&spn=0.025725,0.039654&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=23.875,57.630033&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=6&z=15

Congratulations to Joe Baumgarte. He finished the Run Rabbit Run 50 miler last weekend. While it is nice to finish any ultra, reading a couple of race reports made it sound like anyone finishing this race was made of nails. Snow in September just sounds like science fiction today in Vegas. Nice going Joe.

Lastly, good luck to Paula and Kathy out at the St. George Marathon this weekend. This race has been a long time coming for these ladies and I'm sure I speak for everyone wishing you a good race. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Forest Challenge/RR Twilight 1/2 Marathon

Quite a bit happened this weekend with two local races both on Saturday.

First, at the LVTC Forest Challenge Steven, Shad, Matt and Jesse ran. Steven won the 6 mile event in 44min 31sec. Pretty frigging sweet for a 61 year old. Nice going sir. Shad, Matt, and Jesse ran the 11 mile event in 1hr 25min, 1hr  33min, and 1hr 49min respectively. One pretty cool thing of note is that a woman, Maike Holthuijzen, kicked the hell out of everyone in the 11 mile event. 

On Saturday evening Peggy and Kathy ran the half marathon. Peggy won her age group in 1hr 54min and Kathy ran 2hr 6min.

Matt in Man vs Turtle at Cottonwood Sunday

Friday, September 9, 2011

September 9th Update

Just a reminder we will be running tomorrow at 6:30 from Railroad Pass. I can't make it but hope everyone has a good run.

Good luck to Jan at the Wasatch 100 this weekend. Hope you make it man.

Also Dana and some Desert Dashers are heading down to Big Bear for some trail racing there. Sounds like a lot of fun.

I'll be deciding after this weekend if I'm running the Track Club race up at Chaz next weekend. I know Paula said she is doing it. Anyone else going?

Lastly, I am planning on going to Grand Canyon the weekend of October 22nd. I'm doing a double crossing but some others may be going to river and back. If you have been thinking of going it would be fun to get a group together.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mt. Charleston

The post below is from Casey Flanagan who is planning on running up Mt. Charleston Saturday. The information is below if you are interested.

I planning to run the loop to Charleston peak this Saturday the 3rd.  I would like to start around 6:30 a.m. from the trail head.
If any of you are interested, let me know.
Casey Flanagan